
  • How to make next season your best yet

    After you have had the last race of the season, it is a great time to reflect on accomplishments. Many athletes begin by being self-critical of all the things that could have been better. We'll get to that later.

    First, take the time to list all the things that went well during the past year. That includes your entire training plan, off-season, race preparation period and the race season itself. Include supporting items such as nutrition, family, massage, etc. Hopefully this is a long list. Leave it open-ended. That is, allow the list to grow as you think of more items to add.

    After you've exhausted pen or typing keys on your success list, make a second list. This one is a reflection list of things within your control that you would have changed about the past season. For those of us that are self-critical, the list could be long.

    From the list of things you would change about the past season, pick out the top three. What three things would have made the most impact on your race season, if you would have done them differently? Pull these items out and keep them in clear view, posted on your desk, fridge or another good location.

    Go back to the "things that went well" list and select the top 10 to 12 items that contributed to your success. Pull these items out to keep in a clearly visible location.

    When you sit down to begin planning next season, consult both the top three things to change and the top things that went well. You want to use both to make next season your best yet.


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