
  • Vegan Fat-Burning Machine athlete with fueling questions

    (Originally posted on the Fat-Burning Machine page)

    Q. I‘m a vegan-long-course triathlete - what would you suggest eating on long training rides and runs? Seems like every time I use gels or sports drink, my weight spikes the next day/few days - even if my training session is 3 to 5hrs + long...Paul

    A. Good question. For electrolytes, you might try using one of the drinks that have only the electrolytes and no sugars. The for carbohydrates, some athletes do much better with items they can chew - Clif Blocks, Stinger chews, etc.

    For some, this is still too much sugar at one crack so they do better with breaking a bar into quarters and eating small bits at a time. Look for bars in the 45%-55% carbs range and see if that helps. You can find an incomplete chart at the link below, a start for you (click on the chart to get it to enlarge):


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