
  • 70.3 Triathlon Training Plan Advice

    Hi Gale:

    A friend and I used your Training Plans for Multisport Athletes (2nd ed.) to complete our first 70.3 a few years ago (Timberman).I've read a few tri books and really liked the layout and clarity in yours. We used table 16.2 (27 wk half tri plan) and took it pretty seriously sticking to zones and didn't miss too many workouts.

    We are signed up for #2 and will begin a 6 month plan in March.

    I went on your website for the first time to see if there was much new since 2007.

    My question is:

    Should we stick to the same plan where it worked once?

    Any reason to modify or sign up for a custom plan?

    Thanks for your excellent advice and help with our goals,





    Hi W.K. ~

    Thank you for letting me know that you had success with the 27-week half-Ironman or 70.3 plan. Also, I appreciate your compliments on the clarity of the plan.

    You asked:

    Should we stick to the same plan where it worked once? There are lots of people that use the same plan repeatedly with great results. If you do this, it's always good to do the time trial tests to see if your threshold heart rate or speed has changed since the last time you did the plan. Additionally, you can use a combination of heart rate and speed for the intervals assigned after the TT tests. Getting more course specific is also recommended (gear your interval training to the course - flat, hilly, etc.)

    Any reason to modify or sign up for a custom plan? Triathletes that have busy personal and work lives often have a tough time following the training plans. They don't have the time or desire to attempt to modify the plan. Others have very specific time goals in mind and/or may have one sport significantly weaker than the other two. These are examples of people that can benefit from one-on-one coaching or consulting sessions.

    Any way you go, keep me posted on your success ~



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