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News / training plan
Oct 15, 2014
Is the Triathlon Base Period 3.75 to 8.25 Training Plan a Good Way to Get Back in Shape?
Good Afternoon Gale, I just purchased your plan called Triathlon: Base Period (Winter, Off-Season) 3.75 to 8.25 hrs/wk. I didn’t find information on the strength workouts or the file for the Heart rates, intervals, etc. Can you send me this information? I will be doing Ironman Mont Tremblant next August 2015 and want to use this as my base to get back into working out, because I haven’t done much in last year and a half. I did my first Ironman before that. Do you think this is a good way to start? Thanks for your...
Sep 03, 2014
How to make next season your best yet
After you have had the last race of the season, it is a great time to reflect on accomplishments. Many athletes begin by being self-critical of all the things that could have been better. We'll get to that later. First, take the time to list all the things that went well during the past year. That includes your entire training plan, off-season, race preparation period and the race season itself. Include supporting items such as nutrition, family, massage, etc. Hopefully this is a long list. Leave it open-ended. That is, allow the list to grow as you think of more...
Aug 12, 2014
Tough Love Advice for Leadville 100 Training and Racing
In yesterday's blog I gave a race recap from the 2014 race and mentioned I would follow-up with a frank discussion about training and racing the Leadville 100. Before starting into training and racing points, it's worth mentioning that in a previous blog, I listed training resources available for the Leadville 100, including a course description, key training elements, an interview with Dave Wiens, and a few other links to help you on your training and racing journey. I will say that in the resource blog, I did omit two columns: Altitude Training for Athletic Success: Part 1 and Part...
Aug 11, 2014
Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race and the 1,000 Mile Buckle
This year marked my 10th Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race. My priority goals for the race were: Ride safe, stay upright and finish. Finish under 12 hours. Finish under 10 hours. You might read the list and have questions. For example, people would hear goal number one and say, "Of course you'll finish!" No. That's not a given. For this year, 2014, I had fitness equal to or slightly better than last year. My best time was last year at 10:01:19. Fitness on race morning, check. On Thursday prior to the race, I'm aware of one racer that overcooked a...
Jan 28, 2014
70.3 Triathlon Training Plan Advice
Hi Gale: A friend and I used your Training Plans for Multisport Athletes (2nd ed.) to complete our first 70.3 a few years ago (Timberman).I've read a few tri books and really liked the layout and clarity in yours. We used table 16.2 (27 wk half tri plan) and took it pretty seriously sticking to zones and didn't miss too many workouts. We are signed up for #2 and will begin a 6 month plan in March. I went on your website for the first time to see if there was much new since 2007. My question is: Should we...
Dec 05, 2013
After I overeat, how long before I gain weight?
Several athletes (and non-athletes) I know have mentioned that it seems they have a two-week rule. That is, they seem to be able to overeat for a period of time and then after roughly two weeks – boom! The scale says weight gain. The opposite seems to be true for these people as well. That is, when they begin the New Year’s resolutions of weight loss it take two weeks of vigilance before the scale shows a stable weight loss. What is going on? There are many factors that influence whether you gain weight or lose weight. Let’s begin with...
Nov 30, 2013
How much time do you think you spend sitting each day? One study says you’re wrong.
An interesting study looked at quantifying the amount of time people sit in three situations including during work hours, leisure time during a work day and during leisure days. Scientists were looking to validate self-reported measures against objective measures. To get impartial measures, they outfitted 26 office workers with accelerometers and customized software to obtain accurate, objective, measures of movement over a seven-day period. After the seven-day period scientists had the workers fill out a questionnaire to self-report sitting time, retrospectively. Scientists were looking for total sitting time and longest continuous time with uninterrupted sitting during the three situations. What...
Nov 26, 2013
Lots of Workouts to Help Keep Your Training Plan Fresh
I received great news that my trademark for the product concept of Workouts in a Binder® was renewed. You can find four different editions of this product on the website. The first product, Swim Workouts for Triathletes: Practical Workouts to Build Speed, Strength, and Endurance includes workouts for triathletes and swimmers alike. If you get bored doing the same sets over and over, check out this waterproof book (yes, take it to the pool deck!) to find 80 different workouts to help you go faster or farther. There are training plans included too. Also for swimmers is Workouts in a...
Nov 20, 2013
New Mom and Strength Training for the Competitive Cyclist
Q. Hi Gale, I am a 37-year-old Irish girl, and recent first time mom. I just reviewed your book there on Amazon! I actually bought it a while ago when I was pregnant as was looking for advice regarding cycling during this time and post-partum. I found it really helpful. So many people try to talk you off the bike when you're pregnant! Anyway I recently dipped into your book again as I am doing some structured weights this year. I am a track cyclist and compete in most events but my favorite and best would be the 500 time trial...
Nov 18, 2013
Plyometric Workouts for Cyclists and Triathletes
Cyclists, mountain bikers and triathletes are often hesitant to try plyometrics because they don’t know where to begin. In this blog, I’ll give you a basic floor routine that you can use to get started. Also included are instructions for more advanced athletes. General Instructions for All Plyometric Workouts Plyometric workouts need to be done on a good jumping surface. Concrete or other very hard floors should be avoided. Also, a good pair of crosstraining or court shoes should be used for plyometric (plyo) workouts. Warm-up 10 to 20 minutes on a bike or running before starting a...